Saturday, June 29, 2013

Making Praise Cards, the inspiration of Cheryl Cope

If you are looking for some interesting ideas related to Creativity Coaching, Weight Loss and Women's spirituality you might find the blog sight of Cheryl Cope interesting. Here is the link:

One of the things she talks about is making "praise cards" and gives some lovely 

examples on her site. She also talks about her experiences with prayer journaling.
For those of us who have minds that tend to wander creating praise cards or actively
journaling is one way to stay on focus while spending time in reflection on a passage
of scripture or a thought a theologian has had.

I have a journal and use it, although not with the regularity I should. It is helpful 

when I maintain that spiritual discipline. Part of my hang up, my journal is very private.
I worry that it will be read by unwelcome eyes. when I go back to read things I had read
and reflected on in the past it is always amazing to discover the insights I had 
gained and see the growth and prayers answered.

 I am going to give the praise cards a go and see if they help me with my 

reflection as well. Enjoy the inspiration of Cheryl Cope's Praise Cards. 
Check the link above to see examples of her work. 
Why don' t you give them a try too?