It has been a while since I have posted. I came across a blog as I searching for information on art as a form of prayer and wanted to share a note of accptance I received from the originator of the idea. She is Anneli Anderson and lives on the other side of the USA from I. The painting featured here is an example of her work. Sometimes she paints and draws during the worship at her church with the sanction of her church body, interpreting the worship or the sermon visually as the Holy Spirit leads. Her website is interesting and her art work is edifying. If you have a moment take a look at what she is doing. It never occured to me to respond to worship as it was occuring with visual art, but why not? Is there any place Biblically where it says, "thou shalt not illustrate thy pastors sermon" or respond in paint and color to the beauty of the worship music? King David danced so enthusiastically in praise and adoration to the Lord that he danced his clothing off. He was literally naked before God and man as he danced in his spiritual reverie. For me producing art is a form of spiritual nakedness. I often feel ashamed to let people watch me work or embarrased and self conscious if my work is out there in the public eye. This is an area of my life that is a "work in progress with God". One day, while working on a drawing during a retreat on art as prayer, I head a still small voice say, " Who told you you were naked?" That was when I realized the shame I often experienced that had kept me so often from doing my art work was not of the Holy Spirit.I had then a mental picture of the garden of Eden and the serpent telling Adam and Eve, "Hey guess what? You are naked!" And then Adam and Eve run off to hide. All good and perfect gifts come from above, from our Abba Father. Some of the best gifts are being able to share in His creativity be it art, music, drama, fine craftsmanship, literature.....and not be ashamed.
Anneli Anderson writes: " For me it is one of the most exciting things, that is to partner with God in the creative process!" You can view Anneli's web site by clicking here: www.studioanneli.com . One site that comes to mind and always inspires me about art and the divine (but not necessarily on the subject of art and prayer) is the Episcopal Church and Visual Arts site:
There's some amazing work on there...Blessings all.
What an amazing idea. Thanks for sharing this information and the link. I'm not an artist, but I'm very visually oriented, and I think this is wonderful.
Happy Delurking Week, too.;-)
Hey, Happy Thanksgiving.
I'll have to take in the art you are talking about.
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