Blogging, journaling, keeping a sketch book are important ways of getting thoughts up on screen or down on paper so that you can see them for what they really are. I find that to prayerfully blog or journal is to learn something about myself in the process. I think I am putting my thoughts out there, where? But if I am involved in the Divine Conversation while I am writing discovery happens. Sometimes the discovery is not so good. Sometimes, when I look in the mirror it isn't pretty either, but the One who is engaging me in this dialogue is so gentle that the soul surgery is seamless and the restoration amazing. The moments of inspiration are to be savored and enjoyed, recorded for future times when enthusiasm is low and pessimism high. I usually keep the gritty, gnarly stuff for paper bound sketch books that can be drawn,pasted,scribbled and then tucked away hidden until the next desperate need or moment of triumph. Those are the intimate journals, my children will inheirit someday and probably laugh over their mother's sentimental foolishness. My prayer is that they will also see a record of someone they knew and loved working out their salvation with fear and trembling. This blog, News From The Wilderness, is a public persona, and what I share with my friends, neighbors and anyone who cares to stop by.
The Methoblog is a fascinating collection of thoughts and prayers about what and where the United Methodist Church is gong in the twenty first century. I have read many of the contributors writings. I am impressed by how artfully some of them can turn a phrase and make a point with out using the hundred and ninety words I am now. In several blogs I have come across mention of a book WRITING DOWN THE BONES. I have gotten a copy of the book and have started to read it. Reading about how to write and writing well are two different things. Reading about doing a work of art and actually making one are two different things as well. In any endeavor, we do all things to the Glory of God, even blog, then with that in mind, we give it our best shot.
Sheesh...you strive to be so disciplined! I'm in awe.
Thank you for sharing. I echo many of the sentiments you brought up...but am not scholarly in any way. Yet, I'm intrigued by the posts of those who are.
May your introspections and revelations be of value to you, as you further seek your walk with Christ.
Just another Methoblogger....
Psst....loved NW PA when I lived there. Spent lots of time in Newcastle!
i'm a philly guy. with some psu sensibilities. i get nostalgic with some new northern connections. thanks for the crafting of your words and a bit of a challenge to me.
welcome to the methoblogosphere.
Dearest and Most Gentle Reader,
I can only encourage you will all my being to continue on in your disciplines and strive for perfection! To be conformed to the image of our beloved saviour, Jesus Christ should be the end of our pursuits, indeed.
I should like to offer my most humble salutations and felicitations on this festal day of St. Valentine. I have the highest regard for our community, the “Methoblog” and wish we could make acquaintance under more auspicious circumstances as I am sure that these acquaintances may yet become a valuable and enriching friendship as we exhort and instruct each other to be conformed in the image of Christ.
I remain God’s most humble servant,
John Wesley
I prefer a more emotionally distant variety of blogging. There is a place for inner thoughts, but open and exposed to the world is probably not it. For me, at least.
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