What causes you the most stress, is it big things or the small stuff ? For me it is the big stuff topped off with the whipped cream and cherry of the small stuff. The big stuff is so obvious that I know it going to be stressful so I am on guard and I do all the things I know to do to maintain calm but add the whipped cream and cherry of life events and I 'm over the edge with a migraine, stomache ache, foul mood, sleeplessness and irritability.
Exercise, especially if it is a prayer walk, is a great stress buster. I put on my shoes head out the door, listen to an inspirational tape or music and then pour my heart out to Jesus while I am pounding the pavement. Cleaning the house while eating chocolate and listening to good music helps too. The house cleaning part makes me feel like I did something to sove the problem. Chocolate is just plain good and reminds me to taste and see that the Lord is good. Boy and I rationalizing here or what about the chocolate? A trusted friend that will listen and prayerfully offer Godly council and not just what they think will make me feel better is worth their weight in gold. Nothing beats reading God's Word and reflecting on the psalms of the lives of the saints, especially if there is a cat curled up in your lap at the same time!. I like to read the blogs of people who are on a journey of faith. They inspire me to keep moving in mine. I find blogging or jouranling and doing art work also helps me unwind and focus on my real goal, to love the Lord my God with all my heart soul and mind and to love my neighbor as myself.
What is your favourite music to chill out to? I find myself humming James Taylor's, "Going to Carolina in my mind." I imagine Carolina being like heaven and being there with others who are looking for refuge. I love Twila Paris's "God is In Control" and will put that on and belt it out with her. I need to sing it at the top of my lungs to drown out my own thoughts of wanting to grab control of my life at the moment. Isn't that what get's us into trouble most of the time with this stress thing? Feeling a sense of entitlement that we deserve a break today, yesturday, tomorrow? That we deserve to be on throne seated at the right hand of God, not Jesus?
Anywhere I can find where I can be alone is good to get focused again. The woods are the best for me. They draw me with the smells of earth and green living things. Our back yard is woodsy. In the wintertime in the snowbelt, in a small house with dogs, cats, kids and a husband finding a quiet place isn't always easy. Some of my best setling down then is done driving the car on the highway to a grocery store. I can say I am getting groceries, but I really have an ulterior motive. Where do you go to chill?
I am pretty introspective and reflective although I do love being around people. I find after a day teaching school surrounded by people that I need silence and time alone. A party is the last thing I want to attend. I prefer small gatherings of people around a shared meal of well prepared food in a quiet place.
I have shared some of my stress busting tips, please feel free to share your favourite.
I love praying while walking. I should combine the housecleaning with eating chocolate and then I won't feel so guilty =)
Practicing the descipline of Christian silence. That can be done outdoors or right on the couch. It means silencing not only the outward voice but the inner voices of hurt, rejection and fear. It means listening for the still, small voice of God that speaks to us by the Power of The Holy Spirit. Journaling, thinking and scripture reading always follow up my silence. That is how I try and handle stress.
I think the discipline of silence would be a good one for me to work on, thanks for suggesting it. I am not good at silence when I am stressed. I am sure others reading this suggestion will want to use it too. Thanks!
Great thoughts, Pamela. Stress management is something I definitely need to continue to learn!
Just read your post on my blog...Absolutely feel free to share that particular piece. I'm glad it was a blessing.
I agree; the woods is a sure stressbuster. So is settling into a patio chair at 6 a.m. and writing in my journal. Reading the Psalms with birdsong nearby. Drinking lots of water and avoiding sugar (except for chocolate!). Avoiding crowded gatherings like state fairs.
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