This announcement has been shamelessly lifted from the internet verbatim but I wanted everyone in our region who reads this blog to know that a mere three and half to four hour drive away this opportunity exists to learn and grow in knowledge and fellowship among those interested in the worship arts, not just music, but the visual arts. I had a delightful conversation with the preseter of this workshop via dropping in by telephone. SHw was gracious and generous in answering my questions about worship arts. SHe also supplied the information leaading to the link I have supplied at the bottom of this posting which is for the United Methodist Fellowship of those who work in the worship arts ether they be music, dram, visual and liturgical arts or whatever you could imagine. I encourage you to explore their website and join their national effort. They have a national conference coming up in Florida this year. More to come. But for now, this January, here is an item of interest to those of you struggling with worship arts, or maybe not struggling, just looking for encouragement:
Artistic Creativity Workshop For Worship Centers and Alters- January 31, 2009
Altered Altars- This workshop focuses on designing worship centers as the focal point of the worship service We will talk about the differences between an altar and a worship center, where do we center the altar/worship center and what resources are available. Another topic in this workshop is how to decide what to put on the worship center and how often do we need to change the center.
Creating Sacred Spaces - Although we can dialogue with God , worship and praise our Creator in any setting, we often need to turn ordinary space into sacred space. This workshop explores the purposes of your particular worship spaces, whether it be an Annual Conference setting, church sanctuary, or small meditation room. How can we craft the space to provide the most meaningful worship experiences. This workshop includes looking at the whole environment of the space. We will also look at ways to create the art needed and how to contact and contract with artists to create your ideas
Linda McMillion Clemow is a Liturgical Artist and Workshop Leader who served as the Arts-in-Ministry Coordinator at First United Methodist Church in Oneonta, New York, a position which she created. Linda’s duties included teaching art to children, youth and adults as well as studying the arts in relation to society, religion and creative spirituality. With her students, she also designed and created liturgical art. Linda now sells her art, leads workshops, retreats and seminars through her own Soul Source Studio. She has led workshops and retreats on the Conference, District, Jurisdictional, National and International levels on: Art and Spirituality, Visuals in Worship, How to Have an Arts Ministry, Techniques for Creating Liturgical Art. She is the first ever Chairperson of the first ever Visual Arts Committee of the national organization The Fellowship of United Methodists in Music and Worship Arts.
To register for this workshop go to their website or call:
Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School
1100 South Goodman Street
Rochester, New York 14620-2589
Main Number (585) 271-1320
Workshop is an affordable $55.00
To contact the United Methodist Fellowship of Worship Artists go to this link:
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